Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Laini Taylor
Daughter of Smoke and Bone Cover

Daughter of Smoke and Bone


Read March 2017

Foul! Foul! Laini Taylor I call Foul!

I went into this book knowing almost nothing about it. This was a recommendation from a friend and I figured, why not? At 422 pages this book is a commitment, but it is a fairly fast read so is not much of one. I read along and found I was enjoying it. A devil raising a human child, wishes as a form of currency, what is not to like? I wasn't even that mad when it turned into an angst filled teenage romance midway through. It was only when I was about fifty pages from the end that I realized I was being bamboozled.

There is no plot movement in this book. The entire 422 pages is nothing but background set-up for the next book (or two) in the series. I was tricked . Remember the scene in the Great Pumpkin, when Lucy realizes she missed trick-or-treating to sit in the stupid pumpkin patch? That is how I felt.

The thing is, I still enjoyed the book. Ms. Taylor is a very good writer, because I finished the book and am still considering reading the next book in the series. I just don't think I am going to be in any hurry. Honestly, this book is about a 2.5 of 5 stars.