The Last Planet / A Man Obsessed

Andre Norton, Alan E. Nourse
The Last Planet / A Man Obsessed Cover

A Man Obsessed


This is a review of the short novel "A Man Obsessed". It does not cover the other volume in this double book.

The story begins with the pursuit of a killer by the victim's son, set in a near future world where the government has complete control over medicine and treatment. It follows the protagonist's journey as he closes in on the killer, and the surprise ending to his crusade of vengeance.

The story teems with exaggerated language, making many moments and events into extreme sitiuations. The reader begins to feel the scenes are overbown and the protagonist's emotions wildly over-drawn. The main location is described as massively complex and extensive, but the protagonist seems to get around it with surprising ease. Perhaps this is the result of being paid by the word.

Overall, however, once past the exaggerated language, the story moves along well and the characters are for the most part believable, so it was worth it to read the entire story. I did not expect it to end the way it did.