Black Easter

James Blish
Black Easter Cover

Black Easter


Extract: Once again I am writing one review for two different books. I picked up "Black Easter" because I like genre fiction that deals in some way with religion. It's a very short book, and it was actually my first read after my Hugo challenge. When I finished the mere 165 page book, I got angry! I couldn't believe it was done. I couldn't believe this was a novel. It was more like an overlong short story, low on plot, high on mood and description. I felt like Blish just barely qualified for the novel category, which means a story of 40,000 words or more, by writing 40,001! So I busied myself with a little research and found there was a sequel, "The Day After Judgment". Meh! I thought I'd better wait and get the sequel before writing a review. And I'm here to tell you, it was worth it. Instead of an unsatisfying read, the combination of the two books turned into one awesome experience…