The Well of Ascension

Brandon Sanderson
The Well of Ascension Cover

The Well of Ascension


The Well of Ascension picks up a year after the events of Mistborn. Following the death of the Lord Ruler, nobles instantly scramble to carve out their own kingdoms from the still-warm carcass of the Final Empire. Elend Venture is now the King of Luthadel, aided in his administration of government by most of the characters from the first book. An administration plagued with problems as Elend strives to solidify his position. As if setting up his dream government and struggling to keep Luthadel running aren't enough to try Elend, the other nobles who would see themselves King are marching to Luthadel at the head of armies. It slowly becomes clear that their only hope of salvation lies in the Well of Ascension, the famed source of the Lord Ruler's power. But first, they must find it.

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