Foxglove Summer

Ben Aaronovitch
Foxglove Summer Cover

Foxglove Summer


Foxglove Summer wasn't the book I wanted it to be. I wanted a continuation of the previous book, Broken Homes, with the confrontation between Peter and the Faceless Man, and an exploration of 'what Lesley did'. This book did not address any of these things. There were hints that Big Things are coming, but no Big Things actually occur.

Foxglove Summer feels like an interlude, a little time out before we head back into the fray. Taken for what it is, Foxglove Summer is a good, fun read. The only regular characters are Peter and Beverly Brook, with the others only putting in brief cameos. It is an interesting experiment to see Peter out of his usual element, but I found myself missing the supporting cast more than I thought I would, which just wet my appetite for what is still to come.

I did enjoy this book immensely once I took the book on its own merits, and stopped wishing for what it wasn't. The voice of Peter Grant is still there, ensuring a lot of fun is had by everyone. Still highly recommended.