Lives of the Monster Dogs

Kirsten Bakis
Lives of the Monster Dogs Cover

Lives of the Monster Dogs


This is an odd book. First the structure - the main story is told by the woman who befriended the monster dogs, but then there are also the articles she wrote about them, notes from one of the dogs, diaries of the mad scientist who began the creation of the dogs in 19th century and my favourite: an opera the dogs wrote about their fight for their freedom.

But the story is also many things at once: at times very disturbing in a way of "Dr Moreau's Island" or Bulgakov's "Heart of A Dog", but then at times fun, because dogs! They have ears and fur and they sniff things! But then they killed all their creators to get free and it's disturbing again. There's lots to think about, the rights of a (dog)individual and such, and it is at times very moving and it stays in the mind for a while, but it's also a bit scattered.