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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Gregg Press

Gregg Press

Founded: Unknown
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No history currently exists for this publisher.

Works in the WWEnd Database



Authors Published

• Fritz Leiber  • Philip Dick  • Samuel Delany  • Vonda McIntyre  • Poul Anderson  • Ann Crispin  • Norman Spinrad  • Theodore Sturgeon  • William Stapledon  • Roger Zelazny  • Joanna Russ  • David Compton  • Brian Aldiss  • John Vance  • Thomas Disch  • Thea von Harbou  • Richard Mullen  • Sondra Marshak  • Myrna Culbreath  • Howard Weinstein  • Allen Wold  • Kenneth Johnson  • John Saul  • Mark Geston  • Lloyd Currey  • George Winsor  • Charles Dake  • Richard Locke  • Mary Griffith  • Chauncey Thomas  • William Sutphen  • Stanley Waterloo  • David Russen  • Elmer Dwiggins  • Charlemagne Defontenay  •  Anonymous  • Frank Stockton  • William Harben  • George Tucker  • Alfred Bester  • Eugene Vidal  • Robert Sheckley  • Raphael Lafferty  • Philip Farmer  • James Blish  • Walter Miller  • Algirdas Budrys  • Gregory Bear  • Herbert Wells  • Walter Finney  • Mary Shelley  • Alfred van Vogt  • Yevgeny Zamyatin  • Jules Verne  • Karel Capek  • John London  • Edmond Hamilton  • Józef Korzeniowski  • Ford Hueffer  • David Hartwell  • Daniel Galouye  • James Schmitz  • Alexei Panshin  • James Tiptree  • Michael Moorcock  • Richard Matheson  • Melinda Snodgrass  • Mary Lane