Fortress of Shadows

Carrie Summers
Fortress of Shadows Cover

Fortress of Shadows


Strong female protagonist, decent world building, and a plot twist make for a solid continuation of the series. As I suspected in the first book, two former guild mates show up to add to the fun.

Enjoying this series so far, I plan to read the third. Also brought forward from the previous book is the evil AI, along with details of this new world cosmology. Those details connect to the real (out-of-game) world also in a surprising way, though the "pain" plot point from the previous book still isn't well explained or resolved. I'm sure the author is going somewhere with this, just can't see where.

Favorite moment - the description of the demons going through a portal. They are also excellent opponent, far more menacing than the frogs or sloths. Though second favorite moment is the sloth boss fight :)