The Lights in the Sky are Stars

Fredric Brown
The Lights in the Sky are Stars Cover

The Lights in the Sky are Stars


For a novel written in the early nineteen fifties this story had a very current feel about it. The time period is set from 1998 to 2001. Brown got most of the technology for solar system exploration right. He even is correct on on the fact that space exploration would slow down after the initial thrust. He just belived that it would not dissipate until after Mars and Venus exploration.

The social structure and charachter interaction is very 1950s. With the notable exception of one black charachter who is very much an equal and a natural part of the social group.

Much of the novel is spent developing the political considertions given to approving and funding the next big mission. This is very well done. It also was a caveat why this is not one of my favorit Sci-Fi novels. Very much enjoyed the story, but this is not why I read Sci-Fi.