Death's End

Cixin Liu
Death's End Cover

Death's End


I thought this book was amazing. I'd found The Dark Forest to be, unexpectedly, a bit of a slog, even though there were some cool elements in it. I went into Death's End grimly determined to read it because I wanted to finish the trilogy. Death's End returns to some of what I thought made The Three-Body Problem - particularly the really amazing use of allegory to explain scientific or alien concepts, as well as the focus on one hapless and likeable protagonist. I was a little confused about some of the apparent sexual politics of the book - I can understand why some reviews note that the book feels a little sexist. However, the book culminates in such a powerful redemption narrative, I was left believing that Liu was working at too high a level to be seriously commenting on the roles of men and women in society. This book blew my mind, and I was really glad I stuck out the whole trilogy.