Season of Skulls

Charles Stross
Season of Skulls Cover

A welcome return!


Now that he has exorcised his need to do Japanese excursions, or explore nightmarish 19th century literature, this is a welcome return to the world of The Laundry, if not the Laundry itself.

OK, OK, we revisit the same house with the labyrinthine passages that take one to possibly imaginary worlds, but with a vector toward the past, but it's much more satisfactorily bigger than that, with the entire UK apparently accessible via ghost roads.

Oh, there's the obligatory in-jokes that today's UK SF authors seem to be indulging in - snippets of song lyrics, oblique references to what is possibly the best SF short story EVER (It's a GOOD Life!) - but the story easily transcends these to be a very satisfactory addition to the pantheon. With an ending that so very strongly suggests that there will be a follow-up, that I don't have to get cross about how it just cuts off, albeit after a decent length of story.