And Then I Woke Up

Malcolm Devlin
And Then I Woke Up Cover

And Then I Woke Up

sara baggins

Imagine a zombie apocalypse, except that the 'infected' people are imagining a zombie apocalypse when there isn't one. This has such an interesting premise, and I loved the way the conversational, friendly writing style and calm British narrator contrasted with the horror of the story. This was not just a horror novel and included some interesting commentary on how the media and powerful, charismatic leaders can shape our perceptions of the world (and each other).

It had already started. The world was tipping, its weight shifting, and no one had noticed how precarious the ground beneath our feet had become. Every image, every video feed, everything we heard and read seemed to have two sides. Each piece of evidence divided us, and with each line drawn, a wider slice of reality was thrown into question. The truth became slippery, as though the information itself had become a carrier. With each broadcast, the gleam in one person's eye found a home in a multitude of others. And with enough confusion, enough doubt, well... that's when the believers started to take charge.