Starter Villain

John Scalzi
Starter Villain Cover

Starter Villain


I bought this book back in September in preparation of driving from Tennessee to New Orleans and then getting on a boat for 5 days of relaxation and bacchanalian debauchery on a cruise ship. Well, I did not listen to the book or honor the Greek god of wine and vegetation, although I did do a lot of relaxing and read some other wonderful books.

So here come January and I decided to plunge into the this story. I have read very few of Mr. Scalzi's works, although Old Man's War has been on my TBR list since 2013. I should probably plan on reading it this year. I really enjoy his writing style. I would call it Comedic Sci-Fi.

In this one a nice young man finds out his uncle is a villain. A real life villain. In addition to finding out about his uncles villany, he also finds out that his uncle has left his businesses both nefarious and legitimate to him. He is unable to ask his uncle any questions because the uncle is conveniently dead, of natural causes not an unnatural death at the hands of a rival. The funeral scene in the book reminded me very much of the scene from the 1963 movie, Charade. If you liked this book, that movie will be right up your alley or visa versa, if you liked the movie, you will enjoy this book.

I liked both the movie and the book. Now on the strength of this ridiculous review, go read this book and watch the movie Charade!