Strange Toys

Patricia Geary
Strange Toys Cover

Strange Toys


Strange Toys tells the story of the three times Pet encounters the supernatural: once as a child, once as a teenager, and once as an adult. Her voice and character are dramatically different in each segment, but I was most impressed by the portrayal of Pet as a child. I felt like the first section of the story was also the most interesting narrative, with clear stakes and constant underlying tension. I found it difficult to care about Pet as a teenager, as she continued to make one extremely bad decision after another, and the final section seemed very mild in comparison with the others. Overall, though, I liked how the supernatural parts were never fully explained, and how so much of the meaning of the story was left to the reader's interpretation. The ending may be too open for some readers' tastes, but I think that the conclusion fit the style of Pet's story very well.

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