Flowers for Algernon

Daniel Keyes
Flowers for Algernon Cover

Flowers for Algernon - Progris Riport


I read Flowers for Algernon many years ago, I think right after seeing the movie Charly starring Cliff Robertson. I remember liking the book, but I had forgotten all but the gist of it. Charlie Gordon, a man with an IQ of 69 undergoes an experimental operation and becomes a genius. Algernon is a mouse who has undergone the same operation. Algernon regresses and Charlie researches and prepares a paper predicting that his own new found mental prowess will fail and he will once again be a moron. I hadn't remembered that the story is told by Charlie in what, in the beginning, he titles Progris Riports. Flowers for Algernon justly deserves its wide acclaim.