
Thea von Harbou
Metropolis Cover



This is a strange book. The writing is a disjointed, nightmarish dreamlike narration. It wasn't until more than halfway through that I finally started to feel a sense of story, and even then it was hard to follow. But it does work up to a big climax.

The Kindle version I read, by Internet Archive, was poorly proofed - so bad that I think it was not proofread at all after being scanned from print to ebook. Here is a sentence that was fairly typical throughout the book: Ahlbrow to brow with herthen mouth to mouth-eyes closedbreathing. These added to the difficulty of the reading. It was slow going; A book of fewer than 200 pages, yet it took me nine evenings to read it.

The book was written in conjunction with the famous 1927 silent film. I haven't seen the movie, and I doubt that I'll go out of my way to see it.