The Emperor's Soul

Brandon Sanderson
The Emperor's Soul Cover

The Emperor's Soul


The Emperor's soul is a wonderful short novel, complete in itself. Shai is a master forger who has been caught trying to steal a priceless artefact in the emperor's palace. Expecting to be put to death she is instead made an offer she can't turn down in exchange for her life. She is given 100 days to construct a new soul for the emperor who is comatose following brain injury sustained in an attack on his life. She has only 100 days to do something that has never been done before if she wishes a chance to live.

In this beautiful little novel, Brandon Sanderson subtly builds a world within the emperor's palace containing Shai and her guards and the emperor's councillors who are hoping for his revival to ensure the stability of the empire. Shai is a wonderful character, clever and artistic and patient. As we get to know her we see not only how she learns the nature of the materials she uses to carry out her forgery but also how she works to observe the nature of those around her to gradually learn their true essence. Highly recommended!