Bone Swans

C.S.E. Cooney
Bone Swans Cover

Bone Swans: Stories


A few months ago I wrote a couple of paragraphs on the splendidly fresh The Bone Swans Of Amandale, a 28.000 word novella by C.S.E. Cooney. I ended that review with the promise to pick up the entire collection, and I've done just that.

Bone Swans features 5 stories--most about 40 pages. All of the stories can by read for free online (check the links below), but I think it merits a physical purchase, very much so. Unique, bold authors as Claire Cooney need all the support they can get. It will also be a great collection to read to your 12 year old kids--and bedtime reading from a tablet simply doesn't have the same charm. Not to mention screen light being bad for your loved ones' sleep cycles.

Everything I wrote about The Bone Swans of Amandale is true for the other 4 stories: "poetic, humorous, original, daring, gruesome, outrageous, unsettling and even amoral." Maybe that last adjective doesn't go for every tale, but still: that's quite a row of lauding words. I cannot praise the collection enough. I'm fairly sure it will end up in my favorite ten reads this year...

Below a few notes on each story. Whatever you do after the jump, please, do read those four, short quotes.


Please read the full review on Weighing A Pig...