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The Return of Nathan Brazil

Jack L. Chalker
The Return of Nathan Brazil Cover

The Return of Nathan Brazil


I am currently completing a re-read of the Well of Souls series that I originally read as a teen (I'm now 46). Thus far The Return of Nathan Brazil has been my favorite of the series, on par with the first novel that introduced the Well World. I enjoyed the material outside of Well World that comprised the first half of the novel which allowed for Chalker to really work his sci-fi chops before jumping onto the Well World for a more sci-fi/fantasy feel to the material. This novel has some of the best plotting of the series and holds your attention throughout. Obie, the intelligent super-computer makes a good character and personality-wise probably is inspired by Mike from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Heinlein. Nathan Brazil is the driving force of the narrative, but remains somewhat mysterious as the novel is mostly told from the perspective of Mavra Chang and the other characters that end up on the Well World. Chalker sets the stakes high in this novel which adds to the drama. I would still recommend reading all the novels in order as you could miss important back story for many characters despite this being a start point for a new plot which carries into Twilight of the Well of Souls. Fun, entertaining, and a fairly easy read.