
Jack Vance
Lyonesse Cover

Lyonesse: Suldrun's Garden


Suldrun's Garden is a meandering tale, though the plotlines of the main characters do connect neatly in the climax and conclusion. The novel jumps from character to character, showing many kinds of stories--from the tale of the boring, anti-social Princess Suldrun, to those of wandering princes, sorcerers, evil rulers, and children caught in a kind of dark fairy tale. I very strongly disliked the prevalence and treatment of rape throughout the novel, and it did significantly reduce my enjoyment of the novel. The writing has a very stilted, pseudo-medieval feel, and the frequent asides about geography and cultures can be seen as either a strength or a weakness, depending on the reader's preferences. Though the setting seems like generic fantasy fare, there are points where Vance's creativity shines through. I will probably read more Vance in the future, but I'm not sure if I want to continue this trilogy.

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