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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Kim Newman

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Kim Newman

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Full Name: Kim James Newman
Born: July 31, 1959
London, England, UK
Occupation: Writer, Critic
Nationality: English


Kim Newman is a London-based author and movie critic. With over 25 years of experience, he writes regularly for Empire Magazine and contributes to The Guardian, The Times, Sight & Sound and others. He makes frequent appearances on radio and TV and has popular lines in horror. He has won the Bram Stoker, International Horror Guild, British Fantasy and British Science Fiction Awards and been nominated for the Hugo and World Fantasy Award.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 The Diogenes Club

 0. (2006)
 0. (2006)
 1. (2006)
 2. (2007)
 3. (2010)

 Dracula: Anno Dracula

 0. (1997)
 1. (1993)
 2. (1995)
 3. (1998)
 4. (2013)
 5. (2017)
 6. (2019)

 Drearcliff Grange School

 1. (2015)
 2. (2018)

 Masters of Science Fiction

 24. (1989)

 Telos Doctor Who Novellas

 1. (2001)

 Warhammer: Genevieve Dieudonne

 1. (1989)
 2. (1991)
 3. (1993)
 4. (2002)