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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Scott Laz
Posted 2016-01-18 6:53 PM (#12424)
Subject: Author! Author!
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Uber User

Posts: 263
Location: Gunnison, Colorado
Variety is nice, but it seems like there are always authors I can't get enough of, or want to keep reading more of. My current "author projects" are to work my way chronologically through the works of Michael Moorcock (I'm up to 1970) and Jack Vance (currently up to 1966). I set up the challenge to track further progress this year.

I may be alone in this, but I'm curious to see if other WWEnders have similar obsessive tendencies...

Here's the challenge description:

Pick an author whose work you'd like to explore, and dive in. For this challenge, choose five, ten, fifteen, or twenty books by one writer, and make 2016 the year you really get into the work of someone you've always wanted to read more of. It could be an author you haven't read but would like to investigate, someone you've tried and would like to explore further, or an old favorite you'd like to return to. Rereads count, and all genres are welcome...

Or, if you'd like to cast the net a little more broadly, pick more than one author, but commit to reading a multiple of five by each writer. Try five PKDs and five GRRMs, ten by C. J. Cherryh and five by Catherynne Valente, five each by Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, and Le Guinany combination you'd like.

Write a few reviews. Share your impressions of your chosen author(s) in the forum, or ask for recommendations of which books to try. Many reading challenges emphasize variety and breadth; this one is designed for those who want to add some depth.

Edited by Scott Laz 2016-01-18 7:04 PM

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