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Random quote: "Belief in one's identity as a poet or writer prior to the acid test of publication is as naive and harmless as the youthful belief in one's immortality... and the inevitable disillusionment is just as painful." - Dan Simmons (Hyperion)
- (Added by: Emil)

Can you enable RSS support for forum?
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Posted 2007-09-20 12:55 PM (#1070)
Subject: Can you enable RSS support for forum?


Posts: 12
Location: Poland / Switzerland
Not that I don't like peeking here or can't have another folder in my email, but I'd definietly prefer to be notified via RSS. Does the forum system support it? It would be so much more convenient.

The same goes for books meta info (new reviews of a book you've been targetting) etc.

I'm not sure if it's planned, but it would definietly help to entrench the site as a 'community'. You can't compete with diggs and facebooks of this world, I thought it would be a good idea.

Again, it's probably planned (how about publishing some dev roadmap?) and I'm just picky.
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Posted 2007-09-20 8:44 PM (#1072 - in reply to #1070)
Subject: RE: Can you enable RSS support for forum?


Posts: 75
Location: Dallas, TX
RSS support is on the drawing board.
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Posted 2007-09-29 3:31 PM (#1096 - in reply to #1070)
Subject: Re: Can you enable RSS support for forum?


Posts: 4024
Location: Dallas, Texas
rss has been added to the forums now. we turned on that feature and you can now subscribe to forum level feeds. the rss link is in the forum title at the top of each forum. the software has no thread level rss capability but we're looking into adding that. try it out and let me know what you think!

- dave
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