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Suggestion/Question: Book Trackr
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Posted 2019-10-15 9:28 AM (#21404)
Subject: Suggestion/Question: Book Trackr

New User

Posts: 1
Is there a way to add books read directly from the list pages? Having just joined Worlds Without End (LOVE IT BTW) I find it difficult to go to a list or search individual books, go to that books' "page" and then go back to the list, etc. just to add/update my books. I have used similar processes for list tracking that have this feature.
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Posted 2019-10-15 8:03 PM (#21406 - in reply to #21404)
Subject: RE: Suggestion/Question: Book Trackr


Posts: 4024
Location: Dallas, Texas
BohicaSkita - 2019-10-15 9:28 AM Is there a way to add books read directly from the list pages? Having just joined Worlds Without End (LOVE IT BTW) I find it difficult to go to a list or search individual books, go to that books' "page" and then go back to the list, etc. just to add/update my books. I have used similar processes for list tracking that have this feature.

Welcome to WWEnd, Bohica! You have hit upon probably the number one feature that every new member wants us to fix.

The good news is that we have a solution in the works for the next major site update. The bad news is that it won't be launched anytime soon. I've given up trying to predict when that will be because I've given such poor estimates in the past. Anything I say now will be laughed out outright by the WWEnders who have ben around awhile.

The best I can say right now is that this is a one time pain and that once you get all your books tagged it's no great trouble to tag your books as you go along from then on. Sorry I don't have anything better to offer at the moment but at least you know you're not alone in either your pain or your desire for a solution.

<-- Insert St. Crispin's Day speech from Henry V here for dramatic affect. -->

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Posted 2020-05-15 1:15 PM (#22041 - in reply to #21404)
Subject: Re: Suggestion/Question: Book Trackr


Posts: 38
Location: Windsor, Ontario
First, let me say how much I enjoy this site. Its been a great asset in building my reading list.

I have made great progress through your Baen military science fiction list. Is there any chance that WWE will add Dragon Awards to your Awards page?
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Posted 2020-05-15 4:38 PM (#22043 - in reply to #22041)
Subject: Re: Suggestion/Question: Book Trackr


Posts: 4024
Location: Dallas, Texas

Adele1967 - 2020-05-15 1:15 PM First, let me say how much I enjoy this site. Its been a great asset in building my reading list. I have made great progress through your Baen military science fiction list. Is there any chance that WWE will add Dragon Awards to your Awards page?

Thanks for the kind words about the site. I'm glad you are finding it useful and enjoyable!

At this time we are not really considering the Dragon Awards for WWEnd. There are many reasons including in no particular order: it's only a few years old, there has been no demand for it, there are many other awards in front of it, it's got a whiff of the sad puppies stench on it still.


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Posted 2022-05-23 7:37 AM (#23978 - in reply to #21404)
Subject: Re: Suggestion/Question: Book Trackr


Posts: 38
Location: Windsor, Ontario
Are there any plans to make "My Reading List" & "Books I Read" etc" sortable? It would be helpful to be able to sort by Author, Series, Publisher, and Year Published.
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Posted 2022-05-23 5:47 PM (#23979 - in reply to #23978)
Subject: Re: Suggestion/Question: Book Trackr


Posts: 4024
Location: Dallas, Texas

Adele1967 - 2022-05-23 7:37 AM Are there any plans to make "My Reading List" & "Books I Read" etc" sortable? It would be helpful to be able to sort by Author, Series, Publisher, and Year Published.

Filtering and sorting will be added to the site some time after the initial launch of WWEnd 3.Oh! We plan to add those features to pretty much every award or list on the entire site as they all could use it. You'll be able to sort by title, author, pub date etc, as well as hide the books you've read from a list so you can see just the ones you have left to read etc. There are lots of possibilities and they will be rather extensive.

I say after the launch because we are trying to focus on launching with the current feature set with the new layout and responsiveness etc. Then we will come back and start adding new features on a regular schedule. Still no estimate of the launch at this point but we are getting closer.

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Posted 2022-05-23 7:18 PM (#23980 - in reply to #21404)
Subject: Re: Suggestion/Question: Book Trackr


Posts: 38
Location: Windsor, Ontario
That's excellent! Looking forward to WWE 3.0!
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