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What happened?
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Posted 2009-11-17 1:18 PM (#1733)
Subject: What happened?

New User

Posts: 1
Question: I have bookmarked Richard K Morgan's bit of WWE and look every day for ordinary people's blogs when his name is mentioned. It's been fun posting positive comments on these blogs in response to their reviews, especially some people that have no other comments from anyone. These blog reviews have always popped up on a "by date" basis. However, I've noticed in the last week everything changed. Now there are no posts by just anyone, and they are not shown by latest date posted. They only seem to be already well known bloggers. I miss seeing other ordinary people's blogs. What happened to those?
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Posted 2009-11-17 4:43 PM (#1734 - in reply to #1733)
Subject: RE: What happened?


Posts: 4024
Location: Dallas, Texas

lpala - 2009-11-17 1:18 PM Question: I have bookmarked Richard K Morgan's bit of WWE and look every day for ordinary people's blogs when his name is mentioned. It's been fun posting positive comments on these blogs in response to their reviews, especially some people that have no other comments from anyone. These blog reviews have always popped up on a "by date" basis. However, I've noticed in the last week everything changed. Now there are no posts by just anyone, and they are not shown by latest date posted. They only seem to be already well known bloggers. I miss seeing other ordinary people's blogs. What happened to those?

Hello Ipala,

We've been updating our blog links across the whole site so some things have changed.  We're still tweaking the results right now and we hope to have it all worked out in the next week or so.  I'll post something here when we're done to let you know.  Thanks for the feedback.  I'll be hitting you up again to test later if you're up for that.


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