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Posted 2021-11-22 7:49 PM (#23550 - in reply to #23542)
Subject: Re: Sub-Genres

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 573
Location: Great Lakes, USA
I would like to see CliFi added as a subgenre as well.
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Posted 2021-11-22 9:15 PM (#23551 - in reply to #23550)
Subject: Re: Sub-Genres


Posts: 4024
Location: Dallas, Texas

Please don't think we are ignoring the sub-genre requests. We're getting some data together on our current subs so we can look at the whole range and do a major update. I'm hoping we can eliminate some that we're not using, combine some together, redefine some, and yes, add some like Cli Fi and Grim Dark. I'll be back with the data shortly and we'll set up an EntMoot to discuss options.

Thanks to everyone for their input and suggestions and above all patience!

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Posted 2022-06-07 8:31 AM (#24015 - in reply to #2511)
Subject: Re: Sub-Genres


Posts: 63
Location: Zagreb
My vote for CliFi SF, Termination Shock being the last example. Though the last post here is from 2021, and nothing happened. But there is always hope.
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Posted 2022-06-11 3:38 PM (#24024 - in reply to #24015)
Subject: Re: Sub-Genres


Posts: 4024
Location: Dallas, Texas

risbom - 2022-06-07 8:31 AM My vote for CliFi SF, Termination Shock being the last example. Though the last post here is from 2021, and nothing happened. But there is always hope.

Climate Fiction is now officially a sub-genre on WWEnd. Tag away!

Here is the definition I added. If you have any suggestions to make it better please comment here.

Climate fiction, or cli-fi, is science fiction that deals with the reality of climate change and global warming. Works generally take place in the world as we know it or in the near future and often include dystopian or utopian themes. These works imagine potential futures based on humanity's response to the impacts of climate change on our physical world and society at large.

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Posted 2022-08-17 10:20 PM (#24995 - in reply to #2511)
Subject: RE: Sub-Genres

New User

Posts: 2
Hi! I know a lot of work has gone into thinking about how sub-genres apply, so apologies if this is repetitive. I'd like to make another pitch for opening up sub-genres so that they can be applied to any book, regardless of whether it's been classified as science fiction, fantasy, or horror. I just got done reading LaRose by Louise Erdrich. It's appropriately classified as fantasy. But the fantasy elements are ghosts. Not scary horror novel ghosts, but definitely ghosts. Calling it "magical realism" doesn't feel accurate, but it's my only option for a fantasy book. Or, The Demolished Man is very much about "psychic abilities," but ends up getting labelled with the somewhat vague catch-all "human development." (Or, I see the characters with psychic abilities in Jewels of Aptor were maybe labelled "mutants.") I know scrolling through the whole sub-genre list can be a bit much, but I think having the option could improve the accuracy of sub-genre labelling for books that have cross-genre elements. Thanks!
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