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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

World of Ptavvs

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World of Ptavvs

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Author: Larry Niven
Publisher: Ballantine Books, 1966
Series: Known Space: Book 1
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Hard SF
First Contact
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A reflective statue is found at the bottom of one of Earth's oceans, having lain there for 1.5 billion years. Since humans have recently developed a time slowing field and found that one such field cannot function within another, it is suspected that the "Sea Statue" is actually a space traveler within one of these time fields. Larry Greenberg, a telepath, agrees to participate in an experiment: a time-slowing field is generated around both Greenberg and the statue, shutting off the stasis field and revealing Kzanol. Kzanol is a living Thrint a member of a telepathic race that once ruled the galaxy through mind control.


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