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Glen A. Larson

Battlestar Galactica: Classic

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 1

Glen A. Larson
Robert Thurston

Battleship Galactica: Flagship of the 12 Worlds' Warfleet, she was as large as a planet, yet as swift as the Starhound fighters she launched from her bays. For generations the vast ship had led the thousand-year war against the Cylon for control of the known Galaxy. Now that war was in its last phase, and 'Galactica' had one final mission, win or lose: blast through the deadly grid of the Cylon Starfleet and dash for deep space in a desperate attempt to find the legendary "Stonehenge" of the universe---the lost planet the ancient microfilms call "EARTH"...

The Cylon Death Machine

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 2

Glen A. Larson
Robert Thurston

Adapted from Battlestar Galactica TV episode "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero", teleplay by Don Bellisario & Glen A. Larson, story by John Ireland Jr.

Starbuck and Apollo battle a planet of lost clones, mind-slaves of the cylon warrior Vulpa, who are aiming the ultimate weapon at the embattled starfleet of humankind.

The Tombs of Kobol

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 3

Glen A. Larson
Robert Thurston

Adapted from Battlestar Galactica TV episode "Tombs of Kobol", written by Glen A. Larson & Donald Bellisario.

At the end of a bloody thousand-year was against an invincible enemy, an uneasy peace has finally been achieved between humans and the dreaded cyborg warriors of the Cylon Empire. But peace soon turns into bloodshed when the Cylons launch an unexpected attack against humanity's twelve Colonial worlds, wiping out most of the inhabitants.

The Young Warriors

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 4

Glen A. Larson
Robert Thurston

On a routine reconnaissance mission, Starbuck crashlands on a world where the Cylons have wiped out most of the adult population, leaving tribes of children in charge. It's Lord of the Flies meets The Guns of Navarone as Starbuck leads the children in a daring raid to free their father from the Cylons.

Galactica Discovers Earth

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 5

Mike Resnick
Glen A. Larson

Galactica was trapped! A cylon warfleet was lurking just a lightjump away. And Earth - Hopelessly primitive! - was completly unaware that the renegade Zaviar was rearranging history to make the planet into his private empire... Only Captain Troy and Lieutenant Dillon knew just how dangerous Earth's predicament was. And if they have to save the ancient homeworld single-handedly - well that was a warrior's job!

The Living Legend

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 6

Simon Hawke
Glen A. Larson

A great warrior has returned to lead Galactica against its biggest challenge yet! Commander Cain, living legend of the cosmos, is marshalling his forces for a desperate counterattack against the Cylon marauders led by the ruthless Baltar. yet, the young warriors of the besieged battlestar wonder: is the mystical "Juggernaut" really a military genius--or just an eccentric despot made crazy by the wounds of time?

War of the Gods

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 7

Simon Hawke
Glen A. Larson

Adapted from Battlestar Galactica Television episode "War of the Gods, Parts I and II" by Glen A. Larson.

Greetings From Earth

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 8

Ron Goulart
Glen A. Larson

In the vast emptiness of space, the Galactica at last makes the long-awaited contact - a spaceship of fellow humans from Earth! The Council wants to keep them under observation, but Apollo sets out with the Earthlings on a secret and perilous mission toward their destination, the planet Paradeen, that battleground of space giants where he must confront the old enemy - the Cylons - and the new - the awsome Alliance - and make it back to the Galactica!

Experiment in Terra

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 9

Ron Goulart
Glen A. Larson

When the ruling council of the Galactica strips Adama of his powers of supreme command, themighty ship is thrown into chaos. As if being caught in the middle of an all-out space war wasn't enough, Baltar has escaped and is streaking across the galaxy to his Cylon allies. Book 9 in the Battlestar Galactica series.

The Long Patrol

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 10

Ron Goulart
Glen A. Larson

When Starbuck discovers the long-forgotten prison planet Proteus, he encounters an Ambrosa smuggler, a local law enforcement agency, a headstrong computer named Cora, and a fleet of Cylon warships bent on destroying the Galactica.

The Nightmare Machine

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 11

Glen A. Larson
Robert Thurston

Lucifer invents a device that projects uninhibited emotions in humans and Baltar takes advantage of it to cripple the Galactica.

Die, Chameleon!

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 12

Glen A. Larson
Robert Thurston

Intent on abandoning the caravan, a mutiny takes place on the fleet ship Eureka; meanwhile, space pirates capture both Colonial and Cylon members to become unwilling participants in an interstellar reality show.

Apollo's War

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 13

Glen A. Larson
Robert Thurston

The beautiful planet Yevra is being ravaged by a decades-old conflict, a war that has gone on so long no one can remember its cause. Lured to the planet by the promise of provisions for the Galactica fleet, Apollo, Croft, and Sheba are captured. Quickly forged into a fighting unit, they are cannon-fodder in a war not their own. Apollo struggles to keep his comrades alive in the heat of battle - and wonders if he will ever see Battlestar Galactica again!

Surrender the Galactica!

Battlestar Galactica 1: Book 14

Glen A. Larson
Robert Thurston

In an original space adventure, Apollo and Starbuck have been chosen to test-run the Superviper, the most awesome ship ever created to wipe their enemies from space. But the deadliest enemy is among them as Lucifer, the Cylon robot assassin, prowls the Galactica, reprogrammed to terminate Adama.

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