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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Fawcett Books

Fawcett Books

Founded: 1919
Founded by: Wilford Hamilton "Captain Billy" Fawcett
Titles/Circulation: NA


Few presses have had as colorful a beginning as Fawcett Books! Fawcett was created in 1919 by Wilford Hamilton Fawcett, also known as "Captain Billy." Wilford Fawcett used his WWI experience with "Stars and Stripes" to try publishing on his own, and created a pulp humor comic/ joke periodical entitled, "Captain Billy's Whiz Bang." The magazine was a huge hit, and propelled Fawcett into creating a huge publishing empire, including eventually books.

Fawcett Books, a division of Fawcett Publications, produced many Science Fiction and Fantasy classics in its day. Fawcett was sold to CBS in the 1970's, and Ballantine purchased Fawcett Books in 1982, where it became a division of Random House.

Works in the WWEnd Database





Authors Published

• Isaak Ozimov  • Robert Hoskins  • Martin Greenberg  • Stephen Goldin  • Alice Norton  • Charles Grant  • Pamela Sargent  • Joseph Olander  • Fred Hoyle  • Phyllis Gotlieb  • Mary Rainbow  • Thomas Monteleone  • Jerry Pournelle  • William Jenkins  • Richard Matheson  • Herbert Wells  • Harlan Ellison  • James Tiptree  • Robert Merle  • Marge Piercy  • Geoffrey Hoyle  • Gerald Kersh  • Davis Grubb  • Ron Goulart  • Angus Wells  • Edward Bryant  • Charles Waugh  • Ralph Clem  • Robert Heinlein