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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2013-01-09 8:01 AM (#4541)
Subject: Random Authors
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Uber User

Posts: 526
Location: UK
I finally went ahead and picked my random author yesterday. I couldn't bear to have that empty slot in my list.

I said in one of the other threads that I was thinking of using the Mistressworks list to pick an author. I decided that was unfair, and that I'd pick from the whole list, but gave myself a few mulligans in case I didn't like what I got. And then I ended up with an author from the Mistressworks list anyway (Susan Shwartz, my third legal pick).

Too impatient to wait for an official solution, what I did was:
- Cut and paste the big table from the All Women Authors page into a text editor, then edit it down so I just have a list of names.
- When I removed the 11 I'd already picked, there were 333 remaining, so I searched for "random number 1-333" on google and got pointed to a website with a random number generator.
- Paste the list of names into a spreadsheet so I get line numbers, and then look up the number the website gave me.
- Regenerate if it's someone I've already read, or if I don't like the answer, or if I can't easily get hold of a book by that author.

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