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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2014-02-06 1:20 AM (#6368 - in reply to #6283)
Subject: RE: RYO Challenge Update: January
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Uber User

Posts: 369
Location: Middle TN, USA
I have signed up for 5 challenges. Here is the progress in them all:

Grand Masters
I have picked all 12 books although, I have had to request 3 of them
I am 1/2 way through Dan Simmons bloated prose that is "Drood". 800+ pages. I would like to break all ten of his overworked typing fingers!

I Just Have To Read More of That Author
Picked all 12 books, although I might make some changes. I would like to limit the number of books I use for duplicate challenges, And I have a number of duplicates here. I am slowly changing them as I come across other books to read instead.
Abarat by Clive Barker, but I am seriously thinking of replacing this one with Days of Magic, Nights of War, the second book in his series.

Young Adult Reading Challenge
Picked all 12 books
Abarat - Clive Barker
The House of The Scorpion - Nancy Farmer (considering replacing one of my "Read More" duplicates with her 2013 follow-up novel "the Lord of Opium"

One World To Rule Them All
I chose Terry Prachett's "Discworld"

The Number Of The Counting Shall Be 3
Picked all my series. I have one SF - Lilith's Brood series Octavia Butler
One Fantasy - The Kate and Cecelia series Patricia Wrede and Caroline Stevermer
One Horror - Dead World series - Joe McKinney
Sorcery and Cecelia or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot

For those of you who followed my ramblings to the end, the count is 3 books and reviews done and 1/2 of a book read (Damn you Dan Simmons!)

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