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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe

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The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe

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Alternate Title: The Unsleeping Eye
Author: D. G. Compton
Publisher: New York Review of Books Classics, 2016
DAW Books, 2002
Gollancz, 1974
Series: Katherine Mortenhoe: Book 1

1. The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe
2. Windows

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Film & Television Adaptations

Death Watch

Death Watch

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Medical science has advanced to the pointwhere it is practically unheard of for people to die of any cause except old age. Those who are the exception provide the material for a reality TV show with an avid audience who want to experience watching someone else's dying weeks.

So when Katherine Mortenhoe is told she has an incurable disorder and has only weeks to live, she becomes hot property. For some peace, she signs a contract with NTV, but breaks it and tries to get away. However, the company are not easily shaken off. Sleeping rough in a church she does not suspect that the young man with whom she becomes friendly is actually an NTV employee who has undergone an operation which gives him, literally, camera eyes.

Published in the UK as: The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe


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The Unsleeping Eye / The Continuous Katherine...

- couchtomoon
The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe

- Acknud


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