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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Hyperion Press

Hyperion Press

Founded: 1973
Founded by:


A discontinued publisher based in Westport, Connecticut, Hyperion Press was founded in 1973 and mainly published photographic reprints of out-of-print "classics", which were probably intended for libraries. In the speculative fiction field, it is known for a series entitled "Classics of Science Fiction", selected by Sam Moskowitz, who wrote new introductions to most of the titles. Both hardcover and quality paperback editions were published of 23 titles in 1974, with an additional 19 titles published in 1976. In 1974, Hyperion also reprinted six titles by Moskowitz originally published in the 1960s, including three anthologies and three works of non-fiction.

Not to be confused with Hyperion Books (publishing division of the Walt Disney Company, founded 1991)

Works in the WWEnd Database


Authors Published

• Samuel Moskowitz  • George England  • William Hodgson  • Garrett Serviss  • George Griffith-Jones  • Avigdor Emanuel  • Robert Paltock  • David Keller  • Erle Cox  • Robert Cromie  • John Munro  • Eric Bell  • Thomas McClary  • Sydney Wright  • John Campbell  • Stanley Weinbaum  • Percy Greg  • Abraham Merritt  • Philip Wylie  • Robert Chambers  • Lyman Baum  • Harold Lamb  • Milo Hastins  • William Cook  • Gustavus Pope  • Jean-Gabriel de Tarde  • William Rhodes  • William Stapledon  • Herbert Wells  • Henry Phillpotts  • Ernest Mader  • James Walsh