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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Peripheral

Added By: Scott Laz
Last Updated: illegible_scribble

The Peripheral

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Author: William Gibson
Publisher: Penguin Books, 2014
Series: The Peripheral: Book 1

1. The Peripheral
2. Agency

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Time Travel
Alternate/Parallel Universe
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Where Flynne and her brother, Burton, live, jobs outside the drug business are rare. Fortunately, Burton has his veteran's benefits, for neural damage he suffered from implants during his time in the USMC's elite Haptic Recon force. Then one night Burton has to go out, but there's a job he's supposed to do – a job Flynne didn't know he had. Beta-testing part of a new game, he tells her. The job seems to be simple: work a perimeter around the image of a tower building. Little buglike things turn up. He's supposed to get in their way, edge them back. That's all there is to it. He's offering Flynne a good price to take over for him. What she sees, though, isn't what Burton told her to expect. It might be a game, but it might also be murder.

Some time around the year 2020, in a trailer park in the Deep South, a young woman witnesses a murder. She is in a video game, and watches with horror as a drone strike kills a child.

At precisely the same moment, one hundred years in the future, a boy is remotely killed on the streets of London's great skyscrapers. The perpetrator remains anonymous.

Interweaving two strange futures, from a ramshackle community of US Army veterans, to the teeming masses of a mega city, The Peripheral tells the story of a brave new world of drones, outsourcing and kleptocracy, and of a crime that can only be solved across time.


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High-tech and literary - A Gibson we can all ...

- couchtomoon
The Peripheral

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The Peripheral

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The Peripheral

- UseOfWeapons
The Peripheral

- Thomcat
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- Naomi_uk72
The Peripheral

- illegible_scribble


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